Sunday 20 May 2012

interview Tony Benn by Michael Moore + exercises

This is an interesting interview to Tony Benn from the doccumentary Psycho, from Michael Moore. I thought it was very interesting to relate the words the former member of Parliement to the present situation we've been undergoing in the past years.
I have also prepared a viewing - listening activity to carry out while watching the video. It's a kind of exercise in which you alternate practising three skills: listening, open cloze and multiple choice. First you have a look at the text and try to fill the missing words, afterwards students watch the interview a couple of times and complete the listening exercise as well as checking their answers for the previous exercises.
I hope you enjoy listening to Tony Benn's wise words.

Tony Benn (former Member of Parliament for the Labour Party) interviewed by Michael Moore in the documentary SHYCO (Michael Moore). Complete the transcript.
..............: LISTENING
Well if you go back it all (1) ______________ with democracy. Before we had the vote all the power was in the hands of rich people. If you had money you (2) ______________get health care, education, look after yourself (3) ______________   you were old. And what democracy did was to give the poor the vote and it move power from the market place to the ..............................   , .............................. from the wallet to the ..............................; and (4) ______________ people said was very simple. They said, in the 1930’s we had mass unemployment. But we (A) ________________ have any unemployment during the war; if you could have full employment killing Germans, (5) ______________ can’t you have full employment by building hospitals, building schools? Recruiting nurses, recruiting teachers? If you could find money to kill people you could find money to help people. This show .............................. proposes an issue very very (B) ________________. This was 1948.
“Your new National Health Service begins on the 5th of July. What is it? How do you get it? It will (C) ________________ you with all medical, dental and .............................. care. Everyone, rich or poor, man, woman or child could use it or any part of it. There are no (D)    ________________, except for a few special item. There are no insurance qualifications but it is not a ............................... You are paying for it (E) ________________ as tax payers and it will relieve your money worries in (6) ______________ of illness”.
Now, somehow the few words sum the whole thing (7) ______________

(F) ________________Mrs. Thatcher said; “The National Health Service is safe in our hands”. It’s as non controversial (8) ______________ votes for women; nobody could come (G) ________________ and say: “Why should women have the vote? Now because people wouldn’t have it in Britain, they wouldn’t accept the (H) ________________ of the structure of the National Health Service.
There would have (9) ______________ a revolution. Yeah.

I think democracy is the most revolutionary thing in the world, far most revolutionary than socialist’s ideas or anybody else’s ideas because if you have power you use it to meet the (10) ______________ of you and your community. And this idea of (I) ________________ which capitalists talk about all the time... you’ve got to have a choice... choice depends (11) ______________the freedom to choose and if you are .............................. with debt you don’t have the freedom to choose.

Yes because people (J) ________________debt become hopeless and hopeless people don’t vote.... See they say everyone should vote... but I think if the poor in Britain or the United States turned (K) ________________and voted for people who ..............................their interests it would be a real democratic revolution so they don’t want it (12) ______________happen so keeping people hopeless and pessimistic. I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. (13) ______________ of all, frighten people and secondly .............................. them. An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern. And I think there’s an element in the (14) ______________ of some people: “we don’t want people to be educated, healthy and confident because they would get out of (L) ________________.
The top 1 % of the world’s population owns 80 % of the world’s (M) ________________. It’s incredible that people (15) ______________ up with it. But they are poor, they are .............................., they are frightened and (N) ________________they think perhaps the safest thing to do is take orders and hope for the (16) _______________.

(A)    EVER                       JUST                       NEVER                    NEARLY
(B)     REALLY                  FASTFORWARD   WISEST                  STRAIGHTFORWARD
(C)     PERMIT                  PROVIDE               AWARD                 PROPOSE             
(D)    EXPENSES              CHARGES              BUDGETS               REQUIREMENTS   
(E)     MAINLY                 FULL                      MAJORITY             FREELY
(F)     ALTHOUGH           INCLUDING           WHEN                    EVEN
(G)    TOGETHER             LOUD                     ALONG                  ON
(H)    RUPTURE               DEGRADE              PRESERVATION     DETEREORATION 
(I)       CHANCE                 CHOOSE                                CHOICE                  CHOICES
(J)      FROM                    ON                         IN                            TO
(K)     OUT                        DOWN                   AROUND               ASIDE
(L)     ORDER                   FREEDOM             CONTROL              IT
(M)   WELFARE              HEALTH                 BENEFIT                 WEALTH
(N)    BECAUSE               HOWEVER             THEREFORE           REALLY

Saturday 19 May 2012



Hi everyone,
in this blog I'm going to share many of my teaching experiences and materials with anyone willing to learn English.
I hope you find it interesting, I will also talk about my views in general for all of you to comment and share knowledge and opinions: agreements, disagreements, discussions, common point of views... this is a place for debate